Clean Air Together Launch

Clean Air Together Launch

Following the EPA/Limerick City and County Council launch on August 21st of Clean Air Together Limerick City, we are delighted to advise that the recruitment phase of the project is now open for participation until Sunday 15th September.

Clean Air Together Limerick City is a Citizen Science project where up to 400 participants will record levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (N02) (a traffic pollutant)  in their local area.  Upon selection by the EPA, participants will be posted out a measuring tube to install outside their chosen location from October 2nd to 30th 2024.  The tubes will then be taken down by the participants and posted to a laboratory for analysis.  Results will be issued to the participants and also displayed on a map on the website.

Participation is FREE and is  critical to the success of this project. Therefore, we invite you to print off the attached revised poster for schools/workplaces/community centres/club houses in your locality within the Limerick Metropolitan area

We also request that you share the information electronically on your social media platforms/WhatsApp groups highlighting the fact that the “sign up” button is at the top of the page on the website.

Lastly and most importantly, we request that you register to participate and join those who have already done so.

Further information on this link and on

Many thanks for your support!